Here at Bee Clean we understand that every customer is not the same & may have different cleaning needs. Our rates reflect this and will vary from home to home, depending upon a few basic factors; like the size of your home, how much work needs to be done, how often you would like the service, & whether or not you have pets in the home. This allows us to give our customers better prices since their quotes are custom to their specific needs. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to our customers. Our cleaning team is dedicated, experienced, trustworthy, time efficient, & very thorough. call us to book a cleaning Appointment today. We offer appointment times for both days & nights, 7 days a week for your convenience. Experience the difference in CLEAN.
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service areas include: Albany, Jefferson, Corvallis, Salem, Stayton, Turner, Buena Vista, Millersburg, Tangent, Philomath, Lebanon, Scio, Crabtree, Monmouth, Dallas,
Brownsville, Independence, Marion, Adair Village, Lewisburg, Aumsville, Keizer, Talbot